
Explaining morpho-syntactic variation and change: the case of subjunctive II in the Bavarian dialects of Austria

Lars Bülow* and Philip C. Vergeiner Abstract This paper aims to explain recent empirical findings on subjunctive II formation in the Bavarian dialects of Austria from both functional and formal per- spectives. For this purpose, the explanatory power of the functional principles of natural morphology (NM) is compared with the formal framework of constructional morphology (CxM). It is argued that the two approaches complement each other. Thus, it is shown that the key concepts of Weiterlesen…

Geolinguistic structures of dialect phonology in the German-Speaking Alpine region. A dialectometric approach using crowdsourcing data.

Vergeiner, Philipp C. & Lars Bülow Abstract The Alpine region stands out in the German-speaking world for its well-preserved traditional dialects, which continue to play a significant role in daily life. However, the vast geographical range of the Alpine region and the limitations imposed by national and regional borders have hindered comprehensive investigations of the entire Alpine area. To overcome these obstacles, this study utilizes crowdsourcing data from the VerbaAlpina project to investigate phonological and Weiterlesen…

Effects and perception of multimodal recontextualization in political Internet memes. Evidence from two online experiments in Austria

Bülow, Lars & Johann, Michael Abstract Internet memes are an integral part of social media communication and a popular genre for humorous engagement in online political discourses. A meme is a collective of multimodal signs that refer to each other through shared formal, content-related, and/or stance-related characteristics and can be recontextualized on different levels: (1) language, (2) mode of presentation, and (3) humor. In this paper, we examine the perceptions and effects of recontextualization in Weiterlesen…

Wortbildung als Stance-Ressource im Online-Kommentieren: Theoretische Zusammenführung und empirische Einsichten am Beispiel zweier Konstruktionsfamilien.

Stumpf, Sören & Merten, Marie-Luis Abstract This paper integrates Construction Morphology and stancetaking. Referring to the current state of research, we outline a desideratum of Construction Morphology. Thus, functional-pragmatic characteristics of word formations have hardly been studied in detail so far. The empirical study is based on a corpus consisting of more than 10,000 internet comments on health news. We identify different semi-schematic word formation constructions that are used for stancetaking and that can be Weiterlesen…

Der Konjunktiv II in den ruralen Basisdialekten Österreichs. Quantitative und qualitative Befunde

Vergeiner, Philip C. & Lars Bülow Abstract Until today, variation and change in the use of subjunctive II variants in the dialects of Austria have been poorly studied. Largely neglected by traditional dialectology, even more recent studies neither consider all dialect regions of Austria, nor do they go into detail about intra-linguistic factors. Furthermore, an integration into morpho-syntactic theories of language change is missing. This paper addresses the above-mentioned desiderata. Using an apparent-time design, it intends to Weiterlesen…

Revisiting areal and lexical diffusion: the case of Viennese Monophthongization in Austria’s traditional dialects

Philip C. Vergeiner, Jan Luttenberger, Lars Bülow, Dominik Wallner and David Britain Abstract This paper investigates the geographical and structural diffusion of “Viennese Monophthongization” (VM). By means of a new numerical measure to assess and compare formant movement in 18 lexical items, we provide evidence that VM is an ongoing, regular sound change transforming [aɛ̯] and [aɔ̯] gradually into [æː] and [ɒː]. Data are based on direct dialect recordings of 76 speakers in two age groups in 19 eastern and Weiterlesen…