Wortbildung in Verschwörungstheorien: Diskursmorphologische Zugänge zu heterodoxem Wissen

Sören Stumpf Abstract This paper provides an insight into the study of word formation in transtextual discourses. It discusses the state of research and presents two approaches for discourse-linguistic examination of word formations using conspiracy theories. The first case study on conspiracy theories related to the 2016 Berlin Christmas market Weiterlesen…

Cool, cooler, Clooney – A corpus-based and relevance-theoretic analysisof the superlative heading construction in German

Sören Stumpf and Fabio Mollica Abstract This article focuses on the intensifying schematic construction [[adjIpositive] [adjIcomparative] [NP]] that is strongly related to headings, as our corpus analysis reveals. A characteristic of the construction is that, although it structurally exhibits the paradigm of the German adjective comparison, it has a slot Weiterlesen…

Geolinguistic structures of dialect phonology in the German-Speaking Alpine region. A dialectometric approach using crowdsourcing data.

Vergeiner, Philipp C. & Lars Bülow Abstract The Alpine region stands out in the German-speaking world for its well-preserved traditional dialects, which continue to play a significant role in daily life. However, the vast geographical range of the Alpine region and the limitations imposed by national and regional borders have Weiterlesen…

Effects and perception of multimodal recontextualization in political Internet memes. Evidence from two online experiments in Austria

Bülow, Lars & Johann, Michael Abstract Internet memes are an integral part of social media communication and a popular genre for humorous engagement in online political discourses. A meme is a collective of multimodal signs that refer to each other through shared formal, content-related, and/or stance-related characteristics and can be Weiterlesen…

Wortbildung als Stance-Ressource im Online-Kommentieren: Theoretische Zusammenführung und empirische Einsichten am Beispiel zweier Konstruktionsfamilien.

Stumpf, Sören & Merten, Marie-Luis Abstract This paper integrates Construction Morphology and stancetaking. Referring to the current state of research, we outline a desideratum of Construction Morphology. Thus, functional-pragmatic characteristics of word formations have hardly been studied in detail so far. The empirical study is based on a corpus consisting Weiterlesen…